Serbian for Foreigners - certificate award/Srpski za strance - dodela sertifikata
In the past several years, our Centre has established successfull cooperation with foreign residents in our town. Some of them come to work, some of them are here through academic exchange programmes and some are simply tourists. One thing in common for all of them is that they wish to learn Serbian language and learn about Serbian culture. That is why we are here.
We have recognised this need for learning Serbian language and decided to apply our metod, which has been giving excellent results for 16 years, in the work with people who wish to learn Serbian as a foreign language.
Many international companies have entrusted their employees with us (Fiat, Idoki Idest, Magneti Marelli...), while we also have excellent cooperation with scholars who come to our universities through academic exchange programmes. After our summer semester we have awarded earned certificates of Serbian language as a foreign language.
Već nekoliko godina unazad možemo se pohvaliti uspešnom saradnjom sa strancima u našem gradu. Izlazimo u susret njihovoj želji da nauče srspki jezik i kulturu.
Mi smo prepoznali njihovu potrebu i rešili da naš metod koji već 16 godina daje rezultate u učenju stranih jezika, primenimo i u radu sa strancima koji žele da nauče srpski jezik.
Pomogli smo mnogim stručnjacima iz kompanija kao sto su Fiat, Idoki i druge, da nauče naš jezik i kulturu, a takođe uspešnu saradnju imamo i sa strancima koji dolaze na naše univerzitete na stručno usavršavanje. Nedavno smo nekima od njih uručili zaslužene sertifikate.